Company News

Replacement of a member of the Board of Directors

Date: 7th October 2020



Replacement of a member of the Board of Directors


Al Suwadi Power Company SAOG (the “Company”) advises the Capital Market Authority, the Muscat Securities Market and the investors’ community as follows:

The company has received a letter dated 7th October, 2020 from Public Authority for Social Insurance (PASI) informing that they would like to replace, with immediate effect, Mr. Ali Taqi Al Lawati, their current representative on the Board of Directors of Al Suwadi Power Company SAOG, with their  representative Mr. Mahmood Hamed Al Gharibi. .

Mr. Mahmood Al Gharibi is currently working as a Senior Investment Accountant at the Investment Department of The Public Authority for Social Insurance.  Mr. Al Gharibi has over 12 years of experience in the field of Finance and Investment Operations and holds a Bachelor Degree in Finance from Sultan Qaboos University.




Preetam Saraf

Company Secretary